How To Connect With Your Inner Goddess

Prehistoric times had many large human groups worshipping different gods and goddesses, with some of these gods and goddesses fighting one another in epic battles or for love interests, with many mythological stories around their dealings, desires, and fates. There were also many groups that worshipped the Mother Goddess alone – they believed in the divine feminine, that this manifest world represented her and her powers. People are often looking how to connect with their inner goddess and this article will go into far much more detail as to how you can achieve this.

Mother Earth was respected a lot more. Her seasons, climates, earth, produce, and all that it gave humans were held at high esteem. Everything that came from nature was seen as the gifts of the Sacred Feminine and people did ceremonies to honor the sun, the moon, the rain, and even the food.

At the same time, women held a lot more power than they do today – even after the feminist movement. This was because, deep in their belief systems, people believed that women represented the goddess energy on Earth. Some tribes were even ruled by matriarchy – where women were the ruling group. Patriarchy is a later development in human history, strengthened after people started to lead settled community lives where protecting property required male power.

Tune In To Your Goddess Energy

The above is just a tiny peek into how our collective human spirit experienced the feminine and masculine energies as groups. There’s also of course our individual experience based on our immediate family, town or city, our country, religious affiliations and how strongly traditions play a role in our daily life. There’s also our innate personal inclinations – some women feel their inner goddess from a young age while others are extremely disconnected despite leading seemingly soft, nature-based, open lives.

It’s probably even worse for men – many are disconnected from their inner divine masculine. In fact, the concept would seem absurd to so many of them. The warrior or hunter archetype is alien to them, and many associate being a man with just how much money they make.

So how can we, men and women, collectively tune in to our deeper inner realities? And what does it even mean to be feminine or masculine?

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Superior femininity and masculinity

We are all so confused about these concepts. For the longest time many of us thought being a man meant earning money and providing, and being a woman meant being domestic – cooking, cleaning, making babies and raising them.

Truth is, all of this is irrelevant to the deeper energies and our deepest truth. Anyone can learn to cook and clean, and anyone can make millions if talented, hardworking, or lucky enough. Biologically, women are the ones who give birth but a man can show just as equal amounts of motherly care and attention.

So, when we speak of feminine and masculine energies, we are not talking about the person’s body and sex, and what that means. Everyone has both the inner masculine and feminine energies – we all do – regardless of our sex and gender.

It’s in the interplay of these energies, inside of us, that our personality forms. And because it’s a 100% internal affair, there are things we can do to develop or deepen our masculine or feminine side.

Tips to deepen your femininity

  • If the masculine can be likened to a boat, going from point A to point B, with a clear goal and focus, the feminine is the whole ocean. The masculine is utilitarian; the feminine is existential. Realize that you are both the boat and the ocean. To deepen your feminine side, close your eyes and imagine yourself as an ocean. Feel all the life that’s inside of you. Without you nothing exists. Without you the boat is meaningless. Believe in your own magnificence and immensity.
  • Practice heart surrender – you won’t find a flower resisting opening its leaves. When it’s time to do so, it does it automatically. No bird says, “I won’t sing today,” out of some mood. Go with your own currents without making yourself smaller or quieter. Overstep toes if necessary but be yourself. Self-expression is a very feminine thing to do, especially when it comes from heart surrender – being true to your own nature.
  • Dancing, especially belly or gypsy dancing, drum dancing, are all amazing ways to get in touch with your feminine side.
  • Don’t confuse seduction with loving attention – practice connecting with others, women and men, instead of seducing them to do what you want. It’s easy for the feminine to be seductive, but seduction, more often than not, is an emotional defense against heart-surrender.
  • Be open to your women’s intuition (or feminine intuition, if you are a man). While many say this doesn’t exist or that it’s a made-up thing, it’s not. How can the ocean not know what’s happening inside of her? Remember, feminine energy houses the whole creation inside itself – its intuitions are primordial.
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More practical tips to connect with your inner goddess

Perhaps this will sound “stereotypical” but wearing the color pink is a good way to soften the aura and be more open. It’s a really good color to wear to help to live in a heart-surrendered way, to trust the universe.

Listening to heart chakra music and Tibetan bowl sounds is another very easy way to soften into your heart. The feminine energy has a lot to do with love – universal love, divine love, unconditional love, love for animals, people, places, and even hobbies. All forms of love shine the divine light and they come from the sacred feminine.

The masculine has a purpose – it builds, makes, invents. The feminine gives all that a reason to exist. It gives them meaning and context. The feminine feels meaningful without goals or prizes. It feels beautiful without outside approval – it shines regardless. Its light never turns off. One super practical way to work on this is to pray – any way you like, there’s no cookie cutter recipe – and then to pay attention to synchronicities and signs. Develop a deeper relationship with the divine.

Finding Your Strong Goddess Energy

The feminine energy has a very strong connection to earth. Working on the first chakra can also help to feel more connected to the world, and to feel at home in this existence, to feel that this existence is your home. Check out our article on the first chakra for some ideas and exercises, and also the heart chakra for more on unconditional love.

You can also do some reading – there’s great material on this topic. David Deida’s book Dear Lover is a wonderful read for anyone who’s trying to find or strengthen her inner feminine. And if you have someone in your life who’s looking to find or strengthen his inner divine masculine, then Deida’s other book The Way of the Superior Man is a wonderful read.

There are online communities you can join including Facebook groups and groups that actually meet. A simple online search is all you need to access like-minded people. If you have the time and the means, visiting ancient Goddess temples and sites across the world can be a wonderful idea – the oldest site is in Catalhoyuk in Turkey. These places contain tremendous energy that can truly transform your inner landscape.


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