Since the beginning of time, most civilizations have used crystals in some form or another. More recently, there’s been a resurgence of interest in crystals, which is no surprise given the challenging times and negativity we are experiencing globally.

Whether you are drawn to crystals for their beauty, energy, texture or meditative properties, crystals carry something magical within them – their ability to heal on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. The vibrations in crystals channel the energy of the earth, harnessing this energy and power can make a big difference to your personal environment. 

In this magical world of vibrations, harnessing crystal energy helps you on your spiritual journey, working to hold your intention and remind you of your connection to the Earth. If you’re a beginner to the world of crystals, this short guide will help you to understand how to get started with crystals.

How to choose the right crystal for you

You know yourself better than anyone else. Your intuition and attraction to a specific type of crystal is the best guide you have. Spending time connecting to yourself and meditating on which areas in which you need support may help you start your crystal healing journey. Finding the right stone is like any practice of wellness. It requires patience, while you quiet the mind and realign the mind/body balance.

Beginners to crystals usually begin by researching different types of crystals and their specific healing abilities. Quartz is always a good stone to focus on as a foundation from which to build your knowledge.

A good way to experience the power of crystals is by visiting a crystal store. Take a moment to consciously tune in to where you are and how you are feeling; walk around the store and notice areas that you are drawn to.

Try holding different types of crystals one by one in your hand, breathing in, with the intention to tune into the stone’s power. Choose crystals that gravitate towards you. This may be as simple as being drawn to a crystal visually, or you may feel drawn to a specific type of crystal after reading about its healing qualities. Whatever it is, if you are drawn to it, your intuition won’t lead you astray.

How to use your crystals

The physical placement of your crystals

There are various ways to use crystals and benefit from their energetic properties. You could place them in areas of your home that you spend the most time in, wear them as jewellery, use them in meditation or place them on specific parts of your body that need healing.

Cleansing and programming your crystal

Programming your crystal is simple. The first step is to cleanse your crystal.

  • Smudge them with sage – light it and work around the entire surface of your crystal.
  • Moonlight or Sunlight – leave the crystals out in direct sun or moonlight for the day to recharge. If choosing moonlight, wait until it is a full moon.
  • Rice – burying the crystals in uncooked rice for a few days is said to draw out negative energy and neutralise the stone.
  • Burying them in the soil for a few days connect the stone to earth energy and has the same neutralising effect.

The frequency of cleaning your crystal is dependent on how often you use your crystals and what you use them for. If you are using them for deep healing, you should clean them after each use.

Programming your crystal after it is cleaned is about setting your intention, which is an often overlooked step to working with crystals.

Everything in the universe is made up of energy, including crystals. Each crystal has a certain vibration (or energy), which we can use that harness to magnify the energies that may be needed in your life. Thoughts create vibrations throughout the universe, which makes setting intentions a powerful tool for achieving happiness and well-being.

What is crystal healing?

Put simply, crystal healing helps to increase the positive flow of energy, while decreasing the negative energy in the human body or the surrounding environment. Each crystal carries unique vibrational properties that clear blockages and ward off negative energy. If you’re just beginning to use crystals, a great way to harness their healing power is by using healing stones for manifesting your intentions and what you want to create in your life.

These mystical rocks connect us deeply to the Earth. An important lesson to learn from crystals is patience, because just like the eons of time it took for these semi-precious stones to evolve and transform, working with the healing power of crystals also takes time.

Using crystals for meditation

Harnessing the energy of crystals for meditation is a powerful way to elevate your mind state. If you have chosen a crystal that you feel a particular affinity to, you can use this (or these, multiple crystals work too) in a number of ways.

Either hold the crystals gently in your hands, and focus on their energy as you relax and breathe. Or, if you prefer, you can place crystals around you, or in front of you. If you have found the vibrations or sensations too strong while holding them, then placing them close to you during meditation is just as effective. 

Experiment with different crystals, as some have more powerful vibrations than others and therefore a more powerful effect on your meditation.

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