Scorpio Astrological Sign

Period: October 23- November 21
Element: Water
Ruling Planet: Mars & Pluto
Symbol: The Scorpion & The Eagle.
Scorpio Lucky Day:  Tuesday
Scorpio Lucky Numbers: 9, 18, 27,36, 43, 29
Scorpio Lucky Colors: Scarlet, Red, Rust
Scorpio Lucky Birthstone:  Citrine

About the Scorpio Sign

The Scorpio Astrological sign is the ‘M’ like glyph with an arrowed tail is said to represent the scorpion and its deadly sting. Intense and brooding, Scorpios do have a certain reputation for revenge and retribution – the ‘sting in the tail’ is considered part of their character. The Eagle represents the higher nature of Scorpio – concerned with transformation and rebirth through ecstatic sexual love, plus the ability to make a conscious decision to rise far above jealousy, resentment and poisonous, destructive urges.

Enjoy 2016 best horoscope/star signs for Scorpio horoscope today, Scorpio weekly horoscope and Scorpio monthly horoscope. Courtesy of our wonderful Astrologer Patrick Arundell and Freeastrology123.

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