Chinese Zodiac: Year Of The Horse


Happy Chinese New Year everyone! In Chinese Astrology, 2014 symbolizes the year of ” The Horse”. The year of the horse charges ahead and will last until February 18th, 2015. The year requires honesty and discipline and also sees a time of many rewards . This also a Chinese ” wood year” and this natural element of the earth, usually brings out the best in people. This symbolizes a time when people seem to be more forgiving and or co operative. Overall for those willing to work hard this year, you will leave a lasting mark and things should turn out nicely in the year to come.

Horoscope and Chinese elements for those born in the year of the Horse:

Lucky numbers: 2,3,7

lucky colors: brown, purple, yellow

Best Chinese Zodiac Matches: tiger, dog and sheep

Celebrities Born in the Year of the Horse:

Barbara Streisand. Emma Watson, John Travolta, Ashton Kutcher, Katie Holmes, Oprah Winfrey, Cindy Crawford, Kobe Bryant, Jackie Chan, Janet Jackson, Mike Tyson, Jerry Seinfeld,Sean Kingston, Sean Connery,Denzel Washington, Cynthia Nixon, Halle Berry,

Want to know more about Chinese Astrology? We wish you all a wonderful Chinese New Year ahead and remember in the Year of the Horse, it is time to charge ahead and to make your dreams come true!

All The Best!

A & J


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