Chinese Zodiac Signs

Chinese Zodiac Signs, also known as Sheng Xiao  runs on a 12 year cycle and includes 12 animal signs. The signs are the Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Dragon, Dog, Pig, monkey, Ox, Rat and Rooster. In 2013, we are currently in the year of the snake. Chinese Astrology is one of the oldest forms of Astrology in History and the origins of the naming of the animals remains unknown. Chinese Zodiac Astrology runs on the Lunar Cycle and has been part of the Chinese culture for thousands of years.  Check out the chart below and look for your year of birth, then match it with the correlating Chinese zodiac . We also created a great Chinese Horoscope Compatibility feature , where you can find out the compatibility between you , your friends , family and loved ones.

Chinese Zodiac Symbols
Chinese Zodiac Chart

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