Capricorn Astrological Sign

Period: 22 December – 20 January
Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Symbol: The Sea Goat, a mythical creature with the upper body of a goat and the tail of a fish.
Capricorn Lucky Day: Saturday
Capricorn Lucky Numbers: 1, 4, 8, 29, 37,45
Capricorn Lucky Colors: Brown, Steel, Grey, Black
Capricorn Lucky Birthstone: Garnet

About the Capricorn Astrological Sign

The Capricorn sign is a ‘V’ shaped glyph and is said to represent the goat’s horned head, with the curling, sinuous fish’s tail behind. There are a number of sea gods in ancient myth, ruling over the mysterious unconscious realms of the ocean. When the goat climbs up onto the land, it brings spiritual wisdom to the practical tasks and need to build, symbolised by the earth. The Capricorn astrological sign is an ambitious sign, but able (in its highest expression) to understand that simply satisfying the individual ego is never truly fulfilling.

Enjoy 2016 best horoscope/star signs for Capricorn horoscope today, Capricorn weekly horoscope and Capricorn monthly horoscope. Courtesy of our wonderful Astrologer Patrick Arundell and Freeastrology123.

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