Cancer Astrological Sign

Period: 22 June – 23 July
Element: Water
Ruling Planet: The Moon
Symbol: The Crab
Cancer Lucky Day: Monday
Cancer Lucky Numbers:  2, 37 11, 16, 20, 25
Cancer Lucky Colors:  White, Orange
Cancer Lucky Birthstone :  Pearl

About the Cancer Astrological Sign

The cancer star sign encompasses two circles with tails which represent either a woman’s breasts, or alternatively, the crab with its powerful, curving claws. The breasts symbolise motherhood and nourishmen, key Cancerian concerns, while the crab symbol suggests the sidelong approach and incredible tenacity associated with this sign – and its symbolic creature. The crab’s hard shell protects its vulnerable interior too. People who fall within the Cancer astrological sign are usually very emotionally self-protective and butter-soft within.

Enjoy 2016 best horoscope/star signs for Cancer horoscope today, Cancer weekly horoscope and Cancer monthly horoscope. Courtesy of our wonderful Astrologer Patrick Arundell and Freeastrology123.

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