2020 Planetary Retrogrades and Their Effects

2020 marks the beginning of a new decade — making it a particularly important year to set patterns for growth and success. This year, Mercury and Venus will retrograde several times and impact each of the star signs, with subtle changes from Jupiter, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. 

So what is a planetary retrograde in astrology? During a retrograde, a planet appears to move backward in the sky. Of course, in space, planets do not literally move backward but only appear to do so from Earth’s position in the solar system, like an optical illusion. 

Each planet has its own kind of energy. When a planet goes into retrograde, that ruling energy over Earth becomes softer. You may experience a weakening in certain areas of your life because a planet moves farther away from the Earth. 

So what can you expect this year? Let the planets guide you with this calendar of 2020 Planetary Retrogrades and their effects so you can harness the power of the universe and successfully navigate the year ahead.

Mercury Retrograde 2020 Effects

Think of Mercury as the “messenger” planet, controlling all forms of communication. When in retrograde, we have trouble saying what we mean and understanding others. 

Mercury retrograde 2020

Dates of Mercury Retrograde

From February 17, 2020 to March 10, 2020: Mercury retrograde in Pisces and Aquarius

From June 18, 2020 to July 12, 2020: Mercury retrograde in Cancer

From October 14, 2020 to November 3, 2020: Mercury retrograde in Scorpio and Libra

In 2020, Mercury retrogrades three times for about three weeks. The likelihood of a misunderstanding increases so avoid situations like speaking, listening, negotiation, buying and selling big items, starting new projects, or formal contracts. 

Mercury Retrograde 2020 Effects on Signs

Mercury affects each person differently according to their zodiac sign and ruling planet. For a more precise understanding how Mercury retrograde will impact you this year, get your natal chart. Put these dates on your calendar and prepare for the year ahead.

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Next – Venus Retrograde 2020 Effects

When it comes to love, money, and beauty, Venus runs the show. When the “planet of love” goes direct in our zodiac, we look radiant and attract abundance. But a Venus retrograde means time to step back from pursuing a new love interest, career opportunities, and creative projects. 

Dates of Venus Retrograde

From May 13, 2020 to June 25, 2020

When Venus goes direct, she will stay there for two to three lovely weeks before retrograding in mid-May. Although Venus goes into retrograde less often than other planets, this period can have a strong impact, especially for a natal Venus. 

Mars Retrograde 2020 Effects

The fiery Mars rules aggression, control, and sexual desires, so when this planet goes into retrograde, that aspect of life tends to cool down. Luckily, Mars only retrogrades once every two years. Think of this period as a time to focus inward. Go with the flow and allow things to pass, outside of your control.

From September 9, 2020 to November 14, 2020: Mars retrograde in Aries

Jupiter Retrograde 2020 Effects

Jupiter retrograde 2020

Because of its large orbit, Jupiter only retrogrades every nine months for about four months at a time. Jupiter rules over the realms of spirituality. When it retrogrades, we tend to ask the bigger questions and reassess the course of our lives. You may discover missed opportunities, but this will guide you to make corrections on your path forward!

From May 14, 2020 to September 13, 2020: Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn

Saturn Retrograde 2020 Effects

Saturn teaches us important life lessons and controls the boundaries we set for ourselves and keeping our limitations in check. When in retrograde, we feel more relaxed, free to play, and ready to explore. But careful not to lose your sense of self and your responsibilities!

From May 11, 2020 to September 29, 2020: Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

Uranus Retrograde 2020 Effects

The year begins with Uranus in retrograde but quickly moves direct by January 11th. Not until August does the planet retrograde again where it remains until the beginning of 2021. While you might feel less inspired, Uranus in retrograde can give you that much needed time to focus and relax, without the unexpected getting in the way.

From August 12, 2019 to January 11, 2020 

From August 15, 2020 to January 1, 2021 

Neptune Retrograde 2020 Effects

Neptune retrogrades for around 150 days annually, or five months starting in June this year. The mysterious, feminine energies of Neptune rule with a soft, subtle energy over sensitivity and psychic powers. When in retrograde, see this as a time to tap into spirituality and connection with the universe. 

From June 23, 2020 to November 29, 2020: Neptune retrograde in Pisces

Pluto Retrograde 2020 Effects

Pluto moves into retrograde on April 25th in close proximity with Jupiter, which will amplify the effects. Unlike the chaos that comes with other planetary retrogrades, a Pluto retrograde doesn’t cause confusion but makes us more reflective. When Pluto goes direct, we learn about the dark secrets of others. But when Pluto retrogrades, we become more in touch with the dark sides of ourselves, what we dislike, and how to improve. 

From April 25, 2020 to October 4, 2020: Pluto retrograde in Capricorn

Each person has a unique astrology natal chart based on place and time of birth. An astrology reading can help you understand how planetary retrogrades impact your natal chart — not only for your sun sign but also rising and moon signs. Talk to a top-rated astrologer to find out your life purpose and how to navigate the 2020 planetary retrogrades.

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