Are celebrities born to be famous or is it sheer luck, a case of right place, right time? Have they similar Planets or Astrological charts giving them a greater advantage or not? Simply, is becoming a star written in the stars!

Well, whether individuals actively seek out stardom or it is thrust upon them; more often than not you will see celebrities share a lion’s share of the Sign of Leo or the Fifth house it represents in their charts. For Leo ruled by the Sun literally is the brightest star in the sky, so those with prominent Leo Planets have no trouble attracting attention, just think Marilyn Monroe, Madonna or David Bowie for starters, examples of Leo Ascendant; Sun and Moon Sign at work. For dramatic Leo has a natural affinity with all things entertainment, but whether this makes you the funniest person at the party or sustains a lifetime career, depends on the Birth Chart’s entirety.

Although with Planets situated above the chart horizon a propensity for the limelight certainly exists, with Twelve Houses or Planets more comfortable backstage, such as directing. Of course, many combine both, but establishing your true vocation is only revealed through planetary placements. Take for instance child star Shirley Temple, a natural performer with Sun in Fifth House, but as she matured a Virgo Mid-heaven chart placement directed this energy towards Politics, still in the public arena, but serving others.

For the Mid-heaven, and especially any Planets located near, is a great signifier of a person’s career prospects and status in the world. Actors Al Pacino and Robert de Niro, both many could argue have reached the same level of social standing in their respected field, also both possess a Planet close to their Mid-heaven. In Al Pacino’s case it is lady luck herself, Jupiter, in aesthetic Taurus, with Taurus Sun and Saturn also in the Tenth house of career, providing strong work ethics and a practical determination to succeed. Whereas, Robert de Niro’s chart shows a Mid-heaven in intuitive Pisces, ruled by Neptune, the Planet associated with Acting, with his Moon close by. Therefore, instilling a more unconscious need to act, knowing instinctively what viewers desire.

Although, it may initially appear these Actors both arrive at their professions in an entirely different manner, looking at their overall charts reveals many reflected similarities. For the aforementioned Leo element is present, with Pacino possessing a Leo Ascendant, strong Sun placement and the Moon in Fifth House, bestowing a comparable innate understanding of engaging audiences. While De Niro’s Leo Sun and Pluto in the Second house of wealth ensures the energy inputted in transformative acting roles bolsters his bank account, boosted by a fortunate Jupiter placement here too. Whereas, in turn Pacino has his Part Fortune in Neptune ruled Pisces in the eighth house, indicating the shared experience of acting brings shared prosperity.

The Part Fortune being another chart placement greatly denoting an area of gain, particularly in terms of financial benefit. Just look at Actress, Angelina’s Jolie’s birth chart, as a Leo Ascendant, Mid-heaven Planets and Fifth House Neptune are clearly visible, but so is Venus ruled Taurus Part Fortune in the career, Tenth House. Therefore, it is no coincidence her face is her fortune. While, it is also true that a positive helping of beautiful, Venus is no bad thing, as Angelina’s partner, Actor, Brad Pitt demonstrates also. With a Venus ruled Fifth House, Moon and Venus in the First House of Self and Part Fortune in sexy, Scorpio, Brad utilises his mass appeal through film roles. While a Jupiter ruled Sun in his Ascendant, means like Angelina he too is his fortune, creating his own luck in this lifetime.

So the path to fame appears smoother with favourable planetary formations, but what about those with a steeper climb? For do challenging planetary aspects often fuel those to scale higher? Musician, John Lennon’s chart featured difficult aspects in all Fixed Signs, (particularly Pluto opposing Moon’s early loss of mother), as well as Sun, Mars and North Node in the Sixth House of Duty, inspiring the force necessary to achieve worldwide success and a lasting legacy. However, whether such an absence often makes individuals strive for extra adulation or their charts provide a gift to compensate for this is arguable, perhaps a combination? For Lennon’s Sun joining the karmic North Node means his destiny was to be famous! So is fame a case of, right place, right time, but being born at it!

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