Crystal Clear Intentions… No Doubts….

Why do some people achieve things they set out to, and other people, in spite of putting in the same effort, don’t?

As far as I can see, it comes down to belief – and degrees of belief.  The person who achieves the thing they set out to achieve, does so as a result of actions and efforts they have contributed to the process for sure, however it is their absolute belief in their capacity to achieve their goal that ultimately gets them there.

The key word here is absolute. No one tiny weeny bit of doubt has come into their mind on the journey.  The Universal Law of Attraction says like attracts like.  In order for us to attract something into our reality, we must be a vibrational match to it.  It is a bit like frequencies on the radio – if I am wanting something that has a 92.5FM frequency, then I am not going to achieve it if the vibration I am emitting as a spiritual being having a physical experience is 828AM – not even close.  For me to connect with something that has a 92.5FM frequency, I must be vibrating at a 92.5FM frequency.  I must be in complete alignment with what I am wanting to achieve for me to be able to absolutely achieve in the way I envisioned.

In the process of achieving our goal, we must firstly have a very clear intent of what our goal is.  What is the outcome we are looking for.  What is it we want to see at the end of our actions and efforts?  The more clear the focus of the picture we envision at the beginning of the journey of achieving our goal, the more likely it is that we are able to achieve it.  Crystal clear intent is the first part, the most important part.  If anything is a little bit fuzzy around the edges at this stage, or a bit wishy washy, we are going to be struggling to achieve our outcome from the get go.

So we have our crystal clear intention, the picture of our desired outcome in sharp focus.  We now only need to take the necessary actions and make the appropriate levels of effort to progress the achievement of our goal.  There is a collective entity, Abraham, channelled by Esther Hicks, who constantly says – “the how of it is not your business”.  This is where most of us, myself included come unstuck.  If we have a crystal clear intention, we are well on the way to a successful outcome, however it is likely that we start to get bogged down in the how of it.  How is this going to happen? How am I going to get the money together for that? How will I get someone to notice what I am doing? Buy the product I am creating/developing? How is this going to work? How is that going to work? How? How? How?  Abraham, in his teachings, encourages us to not worry about the hows.  Abraham says that if we trust that our intentions are clear, we will be guided to take the appropriate actions with the appropriate level of effort at the appropriate time.  It is when we worry about the hows, and start to doubt aspects of what it is we are trying to achieve and/or our capacity to achieve that things start to go awry.

When we doubt or worry, we start to murky our intentions.  They no longer are crystal clear because we added a film of doubt – and our vibration shifts – we are no longer operating in a vibrational match to our goal – our desired outcome, and so it fails to materialise as we intended it, or fails to materialise at all because we have drifted too far from the matching frequency of our desire.

Any one will tell you, you only have to be a smidge off  to be the difference between a gold medal performance, and a complete flop.  Start small – where the stakes aren’t too high.  Hold a crystal clear intention and hold the course.  I use it to find car parks – that is how I practice projecting a crystal clear intention – not wavering at all in the process, (regardless of what the signals coming in might be telling me about the number of other vehicles also looking for a car park etc.) and materialising my desired outcome.

The more we practice it, the better we become at it.  Worry and doubt is something many of us are conditioned to operate with, and it takes tools and practice to re-open pathways within our thinking that eliminate worry and doubt.

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