Brad Pitt Tarot Reading

Hubby of Angelina Jolie, star of films such as Seven, Interview with a Vampire and World War Z – not to mention full time Adonis, Brad Pitt has certainly set some pulses racing over the decades. Have you ever wondered what the sexy the celebrity is really like? Well, you could be in for something of a surprise.
I began the reading by randomly picking a card to represent Brad. I got the Page of Pentacles. This suggests Brad is not the outgoing show biz type that one might expect; rather, he seems quite introspective and serious. Brad is likely to be particularly interested in the welfare of a youngster at the moment, most probably a boy. Any news he is waiting for concerning the youth, will be positive and if the young person is sitting an exam or exams, the results should be pleasing.
The idea of Brad as guide or mentor also appears in the next card, which is representing his relationships – The Emperor. This shows Brad as either a father or father figure. His family are really important to him and he tries to set a good example. He may well likely be the stricter parent. He values self-discipline and would like to see his children share this trait. There will be no bratty behaviour in the Brangelina household, when Brad is on duty.
The Four of Pentacles shows Brad likes to keep his hand on his credit card, but this does not mean that he is miserly. Once again this card comes with a family vibe, so it seems Brad wants to teach his tribe the value of money. I can’t see Brad shelling out cash the moment when his kids ask for it; instead, he is likely to install a work ethic into his band of bambinos. Unfortunately, with the Four of Pentacles there is always a risk that someone may be tardy in ensuring that the subject of the reading, in this case Brad, gets their fair share of the rewards, that project delivers. If this is the case, Brad is more than capable of making sure he gets his dues.

Brad’s sense of the value of money is also reflected in the card which relates to his career; the Seven of Pentacles. This shows a person who is willing to work very hard to achieve their goals. Fortunately, as we shall see he has a very robust constitution and is strong enough to work long hours. It also implies that Brad believes there is always something new to learn which could improve his craft. He may find that a new role is tiresome and seems to drag but as long as he puts in the effort (and he will) he will finish his project successfully.
When it comes to his health, Brad is firing on all cylinders, the Ace of Wands is a card which is bursting with energy and it is great to find it in the part of the spread relating to his health. If anything, he may almost have too much energy and this could lead to him having trouble sleeping or relaxing. He needs to take time to slow down a bit, however fit we are – and Brad is incredibly healthy – we all require a rest from time to time. Still, if the next card is to be believed Brad could well have reached the same conclusion himself.
The next card I picked for Brad is the Ten of Cups and this is in the part of his reading relating to travel. I’ve often pointed out that one might expect celebrities to travel in relation to their work but the main journey Brad will take this year will not be work related. The Ten of Cups is a real lovey-dovey card which is chiefly concerned with marriage, partnerships and family life. Therefore, it seems highly likely that Brad and his loved ones are contemplating a special family holiday. As I picked this card I saw golden sands, blue waves and a tropical island, this could be a literal representation of their destination, it could simply point to somewhere secluded or, as I feel more likely; it could be both.
So there we have it, he might sizzle across the screen but Brad Pitt is a sensible soul who takes his role as father to his flock very seriously. He will face a busy twelve months ahead but he is healthy enough to manage his punishing schedule and wise enough to know when to take a break.

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